Tatiana Fajardo Domench posted a study of Edgar Allan Poe and the London Monster on her blog, which was a fascinating read for me as she makes many interesting points and picks up on a few things I hadn't consciously thought about when writing the novel.

Tatiana is a PhD candidate at the University of the Basque Country, Spain, and is doing her thesis on the Gothic novels by Patrick McGrath. She has an MLitt in the Gothic Imagination from the University of Stirling (Scotland), so knows her Gothic literature far better than I do! The link is below - it's definitely worth following her blog and if you like Gothic inspired art, literature and folklore, her twitter posts are great too: @Tatiana19796
Click here for Tatiana's blog

(Photo of me being stalked by a raven, taken by British photographer/ cinematographer John Hoare with a Victorian camera: click to see his amazing work and perhaps to organise a sitting if in the UK!)