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Stoke Newington Festival, Gothic Night

Karen Lee Street

21.00, Saturday. Stoke Newington Festival

Candlelit Gothic. £8.50.

Venue – St Mary's Old Church

By candlelight, authors Sally Gardner and Emma Carroll, and science writer Jon Turney, will discuss readings of the text from the social to the scientific. Following the interval, three authors (Eleanor Wasserberg, Karen Lee Street, Emma Carroll) will read from their novels and discuss how the Gothic is still an influence.

200 years ago this month, Mary Shelley had the ‘waking dream’ that became Frankenstein. By candlelight, authors Sally Gardner and Emma Carroll, and science writer Jon Turney, will discuss readings of the text from the social to the scientific. Following the interval, three debut authors (Sarah Perry, Karen Lee Street and Eleanor Wasserberg) discuss how the Gothic is still an influence.

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